Got Questions?
That's not surprising. But we got answers! Not many people understand the inner working of hypnosis. So here's the low down!
First things first. The most often question I get is
Can everyone be hypnotized?
The answer is that hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness. It is the state we enter right before sleep and the minute we wake up. It's the same state we are in when we are very focused - like driving a car and you miss your exit or have no idea how you just got there, or concentrating on work, or reading a book and 3 hours past by, that is concentration hypnosis. It is very similar to the dream state. We all go into it many times a day. So to answer your question, most everyone can be clinically hypnotized because it is the same level of consciousness. However, a few people I have worked with haven't experienced the visual aspects of hypnosis even though the results still were the same. After hearing the explanation of hypnosis, my clients are comfortable enough to relax into a wonderful and peaceful trance state which means they can be hypnotized to find the core issue and release it.
The second question is how much does it cost?
All 60 minute sessions are $150, However, you get 30 minutes complimentary for the First Time Client Sessions which gives you 90 minutes. Also, an optional recording of your session is available for an additional $10.
How many sessions does it take?
Of course, everyone is different and it depends on what it is you are looking to accomplish. If it is a fear of flying let's say, then one or two sessions is usually enough for us to find the root cause of the issue. However, if it is for weight control that takes a little longer because the issue is more involved and usually stems from limiting belief caused by people and situations that happened in childhood. It just all depends on the person and their issue.
How does hypnotherapy work?
To understand how hypnosis works, you need to first understand how the mind works. The mind can be divided into four different parts, the Unconscious Mind, Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, and the Superconscious Mind..
The Unconscious Mind (The Boiler Room)
The Unconscious Mind could be compared to the boiler room. It works automatically “behind the scenes”. It is responsible for the proper functioning of our nervous system, reflexes, breathing, and heart rate Even though it is called “unconscious,” it is a very active level of consciousness. It is called “unconscious” because we are not consciously aware of what it is doing.
The Conscious Mind (The Office)
Your conscious mind is essentially the office or your point of focus. It can focus on what is happening right now, or it can focus on the past or our imagined future. It can also fabricate a fantasy situation. Your conscious mind is that part of your awareness that is engaged in whatever you are thinking about at any particular moment. It has a Protective Short Term Memory component built into it and always interacts with something called the Critical Factor, which stands guard at the door. The conscious mind is the filtering mechanism which compares new information coming in with the old beliefs and perceptions held within the subconscious mind. Through the process of hypnosis, we can bypass the Critical Factor to get into the subconscious mind.
The Subconscious Mind (The File Room)
The Subconscious mind is nothing more than the file room storing of all of your memories, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. It is who you really are; it is the summation of all of your experiences. Once we enter the subconscious mind we can find the file of what’s bugging you and simply change the file. The subconscious mind achieves a state of heightened suggestibility and change can readily occur.
The subconscious mind makes up what we call the personality. It is where permanent memory is stored. How it organizes memories and information is amazing. It is because of the subconscious mind that repeated behaviors turn into habits, and feelings and thoughts turn into strong and sometimes limiting beliefs. Once these habits and beliefs have been created, they work automatically which can make them hard to change. Through hypnosis, we can suggest change which often has immediate and far-reaching effects on clients’ lives.
The Superconscious Mind (The CEO's office upstairs)
Once a client enters the subconscious mind, the superconscious mind becomes accessible. This is where my clients reach the Spiritual realm where their loved ones, angels, spirit guides and the Masters come to help awaken their spirituality and offer healings of all sorts
What are limiting beliefs and how are they limiting me?
Habits, fears, phobia, and limiting beliefs are embedded deep within our subconscious minds. Let me explain further; your subconscious mind is nothing more than a storeroom which files memories of every experience we have ever had. Let's take driving as an example. You have filed many memories of driving a car, so many in fact that it has become automatic when you get in the driver's seat. It is the same with habits, fears, and limiting beliefs about ourselves. We condition our subconscious mind to believe whatever we repeatedly believe to be true - whether it is or not! It's the little voice in the back of our heads reiterating phrases like: I'm not worthy, I'm unlovable, not good enough, etc., or smoking calms me, pulling my hair out comforts me, or I am afraid this of or that, etc, etc, etc,. These thoughts, just like driving, reinforce our beliefs over and over about ourselves. But what if these thoughts were wrong? What if they were not there? How freeing would that feel?
Hypnosis is a process of focused concentration where we can relax the conscious mind and enter the subconscious mind. Here we can locate the exact initial event that caused these beliefs and change them, accept them, honor them and then release them, unblocking you from their limiting hold and allowing you to feel the freedom and finally the joy you were meant to feel in this lifetime. Let's get started. Schedule your appointment today.
What does a Clinical Hypnotist do?
Clinical Hypnotists do anything that “moves an individual toward health and wholeness,” according to Cal Banyan, CCH. The hypnotic state is a heightened state of suggestibility. A hypnotherapist is trained to listen to the client's concerns and develop a plan to help the client by using Hypnosis, NLP, Regression Therapy or Life Coaching.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Being in a hypnotic state just feels like relaxation. Your mind is at ease. All you have to do is focus on my voice. Everyone goes into a hypnotic state many times a day: when you first wake up, when you’re dozing off to sleep, or when you’re driving on the highway. Have you ever driven somewhere and wondered how you got there or perhaps even missed the exit? This is called Highway Hypnosis.
What happens in the first session?
Once you enter my office I ask you to fill out a form, then we sit and talk and you tell me what your intentions are for the session. If it is a hypnosis session, then I will explain to you how hypnosis works, why it works, how it feels, and answer any of your questions. If it is for Life Coaching then I explain how that works as well. Together we decide on a plan which would work best for you. Then we begin by relaxing you into a nice deep sleep-like state of mind to begin uncovering what needs to be released.
Can everyone have a past life regression?
About 75 percent will have some sort of past life memory the first time. As you become more familiar with the process, the more relaxed you become and the easier it is to undergo regressions. The process is similar to regressing to childhood memories. Once in a regression, many people are aware of hundreds of details. These memories are like threads weaved within our lives today. The healing that can occur from a regression is life changing.*
What is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is a technique used to re-frame situations in your brain by releasing old worn out hidden beliefs you may have about yourself. Using linguistic tricks that help reprogram your thinking, you can transform your thoughts and behaviors into new, positive, useful ones that will enhance your life.
What is a Life Coach?
A Life Coach is a trusted mentor who can help you identify and uncover what keeps you from reaching your fullest potential. It is a one-on-one relationship that provides a supportive and non-judgmental space to help you create what you want for yourself. A Life Coach can help you strategize and acquire the tools you need to achieve your goals. Life Coaching consists of NLP techniques to help you identify and reframe your beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes. It can also help you break negative habits, acquire new methods of identification, and take action to achieve your maximum potential.
What types of people have Personal Development or Life Coaches?
People from all walks of life meet with professional Life Coaches to help attain their goals. Life Coaches work with people in all areas of life including relationships, career, finance, health and more. Working with a Personal Life Coach is not limited to any type of person, but is best for those who want to take the initiative in their own life. People who get a Life Coach are committed to a more fulfilled life and are willing to do the work needed to get there.
How will Life Coaching help?
The results will vary depending on what brings you to a Life Coach. If you get a Life Coach to help you out professionally, Life Coaching can help you make your current job more gratifying, gain better focus on managing your work, and market yourself more effectively. If your reasons are personal, you can find a Life Coach to help you improve your relationships, resolve ongoing negative behaviors, improve your overall health, and grow spiritually. With Life Coaching, you can live a more balanced and enhanced life, and make your dreams come true!
What happens in an NLP Life Coaching Session?
Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing during our time together, and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. We’ll determine and acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives and celebrate successes. With the conclusion of each session, we will revisit your goals and evaluate the next steps that are needed to achieve the results you desire.
Do I really need a personal Life Coach or can I just do it by myself?
Life Coaching can take you above and beyond your personal limitations. More often than not, people try to achieve their greatest potential, but don’t even realize what stands in their way. A Life Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective, and can help you understand your patterns and habits. Most people are very efficient after they spend time working with a professional Life Coach. The experience provides the opportunity for them to realize their full potential. Life Coaching can make your dreams attainable and will give you support and encouragement along the way.
How is Life Coaching different from Hypnosis and Regression Therapy?
While the Life Coaching I provide can be therapeutic, it is not therapy. Coaching is distinct from traditional therapy because it is not designed to address psychological issues. While emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of Life Coaching is to help you identify your goals, achieve them, and develop constructive habits and skills. There is little emphasis placed on the past with coaching, but instead, the focus is on creating what you want now and in the future.
How long do people work with an NLP Life Coach?
To experience the effectiveness of a life coaching program, many clients make a three-month commitment. At the end of the three months, we will evaluate progress and discuss options for continued coaching.
Are all sessions confidential?
What we discuss will be held in confidence and not shared with others. However, our discussions are not privileged for legal purposes. The privilege of confidentiality that exists between the clergy, therapists and attorneys are not granted to coaching professionals. That said, Life Coaching is a confidential process, and your personal information will always be protected.
What is your cancellation policy?
A 24-hour notice to reschedule sessions is requested. Please be sure to call or text to 631-745-7533 if you will not be able to make your scheduled appointment to give others an opportunity to be scheduled.
Payment Options:
Cash and checks are preferred, but I do accept credit cards, however there is an additional $5 fee added.
Can I buy a Gift Certificate for someone else?
Yes, of course. But please make sure they want it. Call me to arrange a Gift Certificate you can give them.
Can I be hypnotized by Skype or Online?
Yes. Although I would prefer to see you in person, but if that is not possible, then we can easily have a session online. It works the same only you don't get your free eye mask. LOL.
More Questions?
I will be happy to answer any of your questions and concerns regarding cost and scheduling of appointments: Feel free to call me at 561-266-3669
Clinical Hypnosis can
Improve Motivation
Develop self-love
Gain Confidence
Manage Anger
Release Fears & Phobias
Sleep Difficulties
Grief or Sadness
Inner Child Healing
Past-Life Regression
Improve relationships
Weight control
Smoking cessation and more.
Disclaimer: *Please note that results may vary person to person. Some therapies take longer than others.